Pop Quiz
Is this...
A) my new job or
B) my dreams going up in smoke
Ok that was really morbid humor but at least I can laugh at it now. right? sorry mom that was just too irresistible, it is ok to laugh!
So things didn't work out like I thought with the Forest Fire Fighter job as one might have guest. I was pretty upset for a little bit but I am fine now. I am in Portland now looking for a job and visiting with a lot of old friends. I start working at a rock Gym on Thursday but I am looking for something a little more substantial.

This is my old stomping grounds in Utah. I was able to stop and do a little climbing and hiking. It brought backs a lot of adventurous memories.

Most of you my recognize
Multnomah falls. Really crowded, I think there was a senior citizen
convention so needless to say I just walked up the hill a ways and then had the place to myself.

I went on a day hike up to punchbowl falls. It was a beautiful hike and then I went swimming under that thing. Slightly to incredibly cold, but refreshing.
In hind sight I wish I had not swam under that one. A little deeper and little more powerful than it looks. Kind of rocked my world. But I gave the spectators a good laugh/scare.

Hike to the top of
multnomah, pretty cool.

Yes this is the
ol' bland home. and Yes there is a ghetto car on blocks outside. whenever my kids complain about where they live I can wait to blow this house way out of proportion and say, when I was a kid I didn't learn to walk till I was 7 because I had to crawl around the house and under the windows to avoid rival gang gun fire.
SE Washington has gone down the pot.

Home away from home.
Thanks for keeping up the blog. You need to write a book. It would make for some interesting reading!
So glad you are able to stomp around in the NW awhile! Enjoy the adventure. You'll be glad that you blogged these memories.
oak111 is your mom.....Oak Elementary Room 111.
excellent post. Great pics!
I forgot that you haven't been to Portland in a very long time. It's amazing to see how ghetto SE Washington is now. That's saying a lot since a skinhead killed someone in the alley behind our house when we lived there. Glad to see you have a couple jobs now.
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